
Тематический раздел

The Forty First Conference

«Society and State in China»

Volume XLI

History, Economy, Politics
Deopik D.V.             Four Sketches on the History of the Ancient Eastern Asia: View from the South
Kuznetsova-            Ritual Homicide Practice in Ancient China of
Fetisova M.Ye.        Shang-Yin Dynasty (XVI–XI Centuries BC)
Anikushina Ye.S.    On the Internal Structure of Shang Polity: Problem of the “Shang House” Heterogeneity
Khalturina P.V.      Struggle for the Great Plains in Zhanguo Period: War between Wei and Qin Kingdoms
Smolin G.Ya.           Brief Historical Description within the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (Historical Sketch)
Ulyanov M.Yu.        Textological Aspects of Chunqiu Zuozhuan Study: The Problem of Distinguishing and Characterization of Genre Structural Groups
Komissarov S.A.     New Season of Excavation of Qin Shi Huang Subterranean Army
Kuchera S.               Specific Names of Music Melodies and State Officials in Ancient China
Bashkeev V.V.         Interaction Between the First Minister (Chengxiang) and Censor-in-chief (Yushidafu) in Western Han (from 202 to 87 BC)
Dikariov A.D.          Population of China in Han Period (206 BC – 220 CE)
Gusakov V.V.          China Policy in Central Asia in the Han Dynasty Period
Zhirov F.S.               On the Struggle for “Transfer of Power” in Wei Kingdom during Wen Ti and Ming Ti Reign Period
Kravtsova M.Ye.     Puzzles of the Southern Chinese Later Liang Dynasty
KrolI Yu.L.               Did Ban Gu share Sima Qian’s Idea that Han Wen Ti was granted the Mandate of Heaven (Tian Ming)
Chang Yu (常彧)    “Comments on Sun Tzu” by Du Ma and Forming of the Corpus of Military Canons within the Tang Period
Bokshchanin A.A.  Typology of Chinese Emperor according to “Chinese Emperors’ Order” by Xu Lianda and Zhu Ziyan
Svistunova N.P.      “Financial Reform” of 1404: Sources and Consequences
Kozhin P.M.            Technology Development in China: From Neolithic Age up to publication of the “Notes on the works [quality] inspection” (Kaogongji)
Yeremeev V.Ye.        Jin-Yuan Reform in the Traditional Chinese Medicine
Andreeva S.G.         Establishing of the Red Cross Society in China
Khokhlov A.N.        Sinologist D.D. Pokotilov in the Beginning of His Diplomatic Career
Kiselev D.V.             Chinese “Gunboat Diplomacy” (1880–1890s)
Lomanov A.V.          “Experimentalist” in the State of the “Great Experiment”: Hu Shi Visit to Moscow in 1926
Katkova Z.D.           Jiang Tingfu – Scientist and Diplomat
Verchenko A.L.       Penetration of Attributes of the Western material Culture to the Life of the Chinese at the Beginning of XX Century
Zotov O.V.                “The Black Center” of Eurasia, or “The Ford in the Boiling Water”: Eastern Turkestan as the Epicenter of the Global Geopolitics
Nikiforova V.A.       Reaction of the People’s Republic of China to the Collapse of the Soviet Union
Portyakov V.Ya.     Partnership as an Instrument of the PRC Contemporary Foreign Policy
Gushchina Ye.         Private and Public in the Modern Culture of the Modern China (Thesis)
Gabuyev A.T.           Nationalism of Intellectuals in the Modern PRC: Oppositional or Pro-governmental?
Sergeeva A.A.          Evolution of the PRC Policy in regard to the Compatriots Living Abroad – Stages, Dependence on the Politics and the Present
Berzinya U.-A.         Speech made by Wen Jiabao in August 2010: The Problem of Disagreement of Borders of the Internal and External Fields of Discourse
Kuchinskaya T.N.  Status and Prospects of Development of the PRC North-Western Region under the Cooperation Across Boundaries with the Russian Federation
Smirnov D.A.           Socialism with the Chinese Characteristics: Problem of Democratization
Mozias P.M.            China Economy: Before and After the Crisis
Morozova V.S.        Phenomenon of the Regional Culture of the PRC North-East in the Context of Interaction with Border Areas of the Russian Federation  
Chudodeev Yu.V.    Modern Chinese Historians on Some Problems of the Soviet-Chinese and Russian-Chinese Relations
Bugrova M.S.          United Kingdom and the PRC in the XXI Century
Lukin A.V.                Soviet Sinology: Policy and Objectivity
Golovachev V.Ts.   Ethnical History and Policy of Taiwan as Presented in the Western Historiography
Stepanova Ye.N.     Taiwan Democratization and Dealing with the Problem of the Women’s Rights Protection
Kuznetsov V.S.        China – India: Traditions and Innovations Contribute to the Mutual Understanding
Vradiy S.Yu.            Source value of the “Map of Russia” (Aguk Yojido, 俄 國輿地圖) – the First Korean Description of Primorye
Dmitriyev S.V.,        Dry Corpse Valley – Outline of the Preliminary
Kholotova-Shinek Yu.       Archeological and Ethnological Studies


Philosophy, Ideology, Religion and Culture
Kobzev A.I.              China and Interrelation of Hieroglyphs with Continualism, and of Alphabet with Atomism   
Ziganshin R.M.       On the Principle of “Non-doing” in State Government
Golovacheva L.I.    On the Canonical Part of “Da Xue” from the Pre-sinology Point of View
Terekhov A.E.         Three Aspects of Han Images of Dragons (Long)
Staburova Ye.Yu.    What is it in Russian…: Word ji 即 in Huayan Buddhist  “Treatise on the Golden Lion”
Belaya I.V.               On the Tradition of Women’s Alchemy (nü dan) Development in Jingaishan Mountains
Zelnitsky A.D.         Legal Status of Taoist and Buddhist Priests in Imperial China (On the Basis of Tang and Ming Codes)
Kadyrbayev A.Sh.  Christians in China during the Mongol Ruling Period (XIII–XIV Centuries)
Gorbunova S.A.      Legislative Initiatives of Guomindang Government in the Field of Religion
Maiorov V.M.          Manuscript of Shang shu Translation by Bichurin
Yakovlev V.M.         Distribution of “Four Qualities” within the Zhou I Ching text
Chibisov T.P.          Luo Pan and I Ching hexagrams
Guriyan N.V.           On the“Unusual”Characters in the Ancient Chinese Lexicon Fang Yan
Dreizis Yu.A.            Return to Modernism: Yu Hua Works in the Context of Development of the Chinese Literature Avant-garde
Kuznetsova Yu.A.   Experimental Theatre in China in the first half of 1980s
Neglinskaya M.A.  Abstract Expressionism and Chinese National Painting Guo Hua at the End of the XX Century
Vinogradova T.I.    Folk Pictures Nianhua bearing Su Shi Portraits: Attempt of the Story Reconstruction
Kargina P.A.           Generation Gap in the Modern Chinese Cinema
Sinetskaya E.A.      Western Literature in the Life of the Chinese Society
Stezhenskaya L.V.  On the Adverb Qi in Liu Xie “Afterword”
Zinin S.V.                 Development of CTEXTS system online concordances of Classical Chinese Texts
Опубл.: Общество и государство в Китае: Т. XLII, ч. 3 / Редколл.: А.И. Кобзев и др. – М.: Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт востоковедения Российской академии наук (ИВ РАН), 2012. – 484 стр. –  (Ученые записки ИВ РАН. Отдела Китая. Вып. 7 / Редколл.: А.И.Кобзев и др.). С. 474-476.

Синология: история и культура Китая

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